Father Sky

Zeus is the Greek god of sky and thunder, ruler of the gods on Mount Olympus. The child of Cronus and Rhea, he was the youngest born and was due to be eaten by his father, as his other siblings were. His mother, Rhea instead fed Cronos a boulder wrapped in swaddling cloth and hid the infant with the nymphs and the goat Amaltheia on a mountain in Crete. Upon reaching adulthood, he convinced Metis (servant to Cronos) to spike a drink that induced Cronos to vomit up his other children. During the following battle, Zeus defeated the Titans, locking them up under the earth. Zeus and his brothers divided the cosmos and drew lots to determine rulership. Zeus won ruler of the heavens, Poseidon the waters, and Hades the underworld. Zeus married Metis, the Titaness of wisdom. After his marriage to Metis, Zeus married Themis, the Titaness of justice. With her, he had the Moirae (the Fates), the Horae (the Hours), and Astraea. However, of all of his wives, Zeus chose his third wife and sister Hera, goddess of marriage, family, and childbirth to be his queen on Mount Olympus. Renowned for his infidelity, Zeus had many, many children, with a favorite being Heracles.
Magic of Zeus
Element: Air, Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Color: Gold
Day: Thursday
Herb: Apple, Almond, Aspen, Jasmine, Oak, Olive, Mint
Totem: Swan, Eagle, Bull, Wolf
Stone: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Clear Quartz
Offering: Acorns, Apples, Milk
Thunder Bolts
In order to defeat Cronos, Zeus liberated the Cyclopes and the Hecatonchris from the pit of Tartaros. This deep abyss was a dungeon of torment. The Cyclopes gifted Zeus with lightning-bolts which became one of his emblems and a weapon of power throughout history.
Aetos Dios
A giant, golden eagle served as Zeus’ personal messenger and sacred animal. When the eagle appeared as an omen of victory in the Titan War, it became a symbol of strength and justice. Zeus immortalized his bird in the heavens in the constellation Aquila alongside its consort, the vulture, Lyra.
Europa and the Bull
Zeus was charmed by a woman named Europa. Intent on seducing her, Zeus transformed into a beautiful and docile white bull and ambled among her father’s herds. While gathering flowers on the beach, Europa saw the bull and eventually approached him. When she climbed upon his back, Zeus ran to the sea and swam away with her to the island of Crete. He revealed his true identity and made her the queen of Crete. Together they had three children.
The mighty Oak tends to be a very sturdy and strong tree, symbolizing the stable and protective qualities of Zeus. In the city of Dodona, the Oak serves as a centerpiece in Zeus’ oracle where the priests would divine his guidance by interpreting the rustling of the oak’s leaves. With dominion over thunder, it is not surprising that the oak has a tendency to attract lightning strikes more than other trees. Both Zeus and Hera were sometimes known as the oak god and the oak goddess.
The Aegis is a shield forged by the Cyclopes for Zeus. A fearsome thing, it had a scaly surface of gold sometimes depicted with the head of a gorgon upon its front. When Aegis is shaken by Zeus, Mount Olympus is wrapped in clouds, while thunder and lightning roll off the mountainside striking men down with fear. This mighty tool was occasionally loaned out to his daughter Athena.