
I can hear the soft breathing
Of the girl that I love,
As she lies here beside me
Asleep with the night,
And her hair, in a fine mist
Floats on my pillow,
Reflecting the glow
Of the winter moonlight.
She is soft, she is warm,
But my heart remains heavy,
And I watch as her breasts
Gently rise, gently fall,
For I know with the first light of dawn
I’ll be leaving,
And tonight will be
All I have left to recall.
Oh, what have I done,
Why have I done it,
I’ve committed a crime,
I’ve broken the law.
For twenty-five dollars
And pieces of silver,
I held up and robbed
A hard liquor store.
My life seems unreal,
My crime an illusion,
A scene badly written
In which I must play.
Yet I know as I gaze
At my young love beside me,
The morning is just a few hours away.
Wednesday is the third day of the week for the International Standard Calendar. This name comes from the Norse god Odin, who gave up his eye for knowledge, making Wednesday the day of vision. In Ancient Rome, it was called dies Mercurii, the day of Mercury. He is a god of communication, prosperity, luck, travelers, trickery and thieves. In sum, he represents adaptation. From him we get the word ‘mercurial’, meaning inclined toward to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood and mind. Wednesdays bring us to a cusp or rather to the top of the hump where our vision is less impeded, and change is inevitable.
The Magic of Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Gods: Athena, Hermes, Lugh, Mercury, Odin
Colors: Yellow, Silver, Gray, Purple, Orange
Stones: Agates, Amber, Citrine, Sodalite
Herbs: Aspen, Fern, Lavender, Periwinkle
Bilbo rushed along the passage, very angry, and altogether bewildered and bewuthered – this was the most awkward Wednesday he ever remembered.
Wednesday Customs
Wednesday’s bairn’s a child of woe:
But she learns life’s solace so,
And beyond her early tears
She shall look on brighter years.
She shall learn by broken toys
How to mend life’s shattered joys.
Hope and trust shall dwell with her;
She shall be home’s comforter.
French: To be in the middle like Wednesday
Yiddish: Wednesday is longer than Thursday
Persian: You ask the donkey when’s Wednesday?
Marathi: If he starts on Wednesday he will return at some time or other.
Festive Wednesday: Charshanbe Suri is an Iranian celebration that falls in mid-March, it closes the previous year and purifies the new one. People gather brushwood and prepare bonfires, jumping over the flames while singing. Another custom is called Spoon-banging, where people in disguise travel from door-to-door while hitting spoons against bowls to get treats.
Maslenitsa Wednesday: In Russia, the vernal equinox brings about a week long holiday called Maslenitsa or Cheese week. Wednesday was the sweet tooth day of the festival when sons-in-law would enjoy their mothers-in-law’s pancakes which eventually evolved to an elaborate and substantial dinner.
La Tomatina: On the last Wednesday of August, in a town called Buñol, Spain we are treated to the largest food fight ever. Approximately 30,000 people gather in the town square to hurl tomatoes at each other over a 90-minutes free-for-all. My favorite part of this holiday is that no one knows why.