
Thursday is the fourth day of the week for the International Standard Calendar. The name comes from the Norse god Thor, god of strength and thunder. In ancient Rome it was named for Jupiter who is also the god of sky and thunder, but was the king of the gods as well. Associations of thunder mark this day as reflective of vigor and strength. Good health, abundance, and prosperity are hallmarks of Thursday. Thursday stands for loyalty, honor, and leadership. Know your allegiances in order to flourish.
I won’t wear makeup on Thursday
I’m sick of covering up
I’m tired of feeling so broken
I’m tired of falling in love
Sometimes I’m shy and I’m anxious
Sometimes I’m down on my knees
Sometimes I try to embrace all my insecurities
So I won’t wear makeup on Thursday
‘Cause who I am is enough
And there are many things that I could change so slightly
But why would I succumb to something so unlike me?
I was always taught to just be myself
Don’t change for anyone
I wanna laugh, I wanna cry
Don’t want these tears inside my eyes, yeah
Don’t wanna wake up and feel insecure
I wanna sing, I wanna dance
I wanna feel love inside my hands again
I just wanna feel beautiful
I’ll wear my sweatpants on Thursday
And I’ll drink sloe gin from a can
I’ll build my own independence
I don’t always need a man
You know sometimes I feel lonely
Could do with the company
Oh, I get high when I’m down
But you know that’s alright with me
So I will do nothing on Thursday
Sit alone and be
I won’t wear makeup on Thursday
‘Cause who I am is enough
The Magic of Monday
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Gods: Artemis, Diana, Luna, Selene, Thoth
Colors: Silver, White, Gray, Blue
Stones: Aquamarine, Moonstone, Opal, Pearl
Herbs: Mints, Moonflowers, Moonwort, Sandalwood, Willow
‘This must be Thursday,’ said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. ‘I never could get the hang of Thursdays.’
Thursday Customs
Thursday’s bairn has far to go:
Where life’s changing waters flow:
East, to learn how life’s fair dawn
Puts hope’s radiant colors on;
West, to learn how Trouble’s night
Stars the skies with faith’s pure light ;
Towards the North, to learn of storm ;
South, through all, to keep love warm.
Russian: After a rain on Thursday (meaning: Never)
English: Thursday comes, and the week is gone
Swahili: Not every day is Friday, there is also Thursday
French: A week of four Thursdays (meaning: Never)
Teacher’s Thursday: Thursday is a day to celebrate teachers and learning in Buddhist Thailand. In honor of the auspiciousness of the day, students honor their teachers in ceremonies held on Thursday and Universities hold their graduations on Thursday.
Old Women Thursday (Altweiber or Wieverfastelovend): In 1824 washer-women in Germany refused to work on the Thursday before Carnival and created a committee to strengthen the presence of women in the celebrations. On this day, a woman wearing black storms into the city center and gets the key to the city leaving “fools” to take over city halls. “Wild” women cut men’s ties and kiss men who passes them by.
Thursdays (Pea Soup Day): In Finland pea soup is a favorite for lunch on Thursdays in January and February. It can often be seen on restaurant menus accompanied by dark Finnish rye bread with butter. This tradition may date back to the middle ages, although some believe that eating this rich warm meal on Thursday would help with fasting on Friday.