The Bull
Zeus and his love life often play out in the constellations. Europa was the daughter of King Agenor and Telephassa. Upon seeing her, Zeus fell in love. He arranged to have the King’s cattle herded to the shores where Europa often passed time. Disguised as a bull, he mingled with the other cattle. Still, he stood out from the others. His hide was white as freshly fallen snow and his horns sparkled as brightly polished silver. Struck by the beauty of the bull, she walked over to pet him. Under his spell, she climbed onto his back and held him tightly as he ventured into the water. Zeus in bull form swam to the isle of Crete where he took his eagle form and seduced her. Together, they had three boys: Minos (King of Crete, keeper of the minator), Rhadamanthus (King of Crete exiled to Boeotia) and Sarpedon (King of Lycia exiled by Minos). Zeus placed the image of the bull in the heavens to remember his love of Europa. My beautiful Megara and my charming brother are born in the sun sign of Taurus.
House of Taurus

The Second House is called the House of Possessions. Ownership is an important concept for our development. In the best world, the things we own should enhance our lives and promote a sense of well-being. This house pertains to all of our senses as we engage with our environment. Taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight should bring nourishment to our lives. This house demands that we know who we are in so far as our likes and dislikes. What do we value? What does that say about us? While the House of Taurus definitely refers to the things that we own, it is not limited to tangible things.
Feelings and emotions, dreams and desires, needs and wants are all important possessions that shape who we are. We are asked not only what we have, but who we are. Certainly income and property can contribute to our sense of self, but without owning our feelings and experiences, we are left with an unfillable void.
Debt is also part a part of this picture. Do you know the difference between what you want and what you need? Taurus wants you to have what you need, but you have to understand what that is first. The food we eat can strengthen our body or destroy it. The clothes we wear come at what cost to the world? The air we breathe when walking through the woods, the sound of children’s laughter, the arms that hold us, these all speak to our senses and may bring more joy than the fanciest of items. Remember the age old question of who is rich? The one who is happy with what they have. Shania Twain gives us a fun take on this house with her song, “That don’t impress me much.”
The Magic of Taurus
Order: Second
Dates: April 20 – May 20
Element: Earth
Season: Spring
Quality: Fixed (Steady)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Exalted Planet: the moon
Principle: Resources
Governs: Throat, Neck
Tarot: Hierophant
The Personality of Taurus
Being rushed
Sudden change
Synthetic fabrics
Uncomfortable space
Beyond our earth’s known brinks,
In the famed Islands of the Blest, there be
Two founts: of this who drinks
Dies smiling: who of that to live is free.
A kindred fate Heaven links
To my sad life, who, smilingly, could die
For like o’erflowing joy,
But soon such bliss new cries of anguish stay.
Love! still who guidest my way,
Where, dim and dark, the shade of fame invites,
Not of that fount we speak, which, full each hour,
Ever with larger power
O’erflows, when Taurus with the Sun unites;
So are my eyes with constant sorrow wet,
But in that season most when I my Lady met.