
I want a Sunday kind of love
A love to last past Saturday night
And I’d like to know it’s more than love at first sight
And I want a Sunday kind of love
I want a a love that’s on the square
Can’t seem to find somebody
Someone to care
And I’m on a lonely road that leads to no where
I need a Sunday kind of love
I do my Sunday dreaming, oh yea
And all my Sunday scheming
Every minute, every hour, every day
Oh I’m hoping to discover
A certain kind of lover
Who will show me the way
And my arms need someone
Someone to enfold
To keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold
Love for all my life to have and to hold
Oh and I want a Sunday kind of love
Sunday is the seventh and final day of the week in the International Standard Calendar. It is named for the Sun from Hellenistic astrology and is a day of illumination. Associated with the Roman sun god Apollo, this is an auspicious day indeed. Apollo is known as the god of all blessings, reflecting the bright and magnanimous nature of our central star. Bursting with raw energy, almost any magic is enhanced on Sunday, yet it favors powers of growth, insight, warmth, and power. It represents the end of a cycle that begins with the shadows of the moon. Sunday culminates with an honesty of being brought completely into the light.
The Magic of Sunday
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
Deities: Apollo, Brigid, Helios, Ra
Colors: Amber, Gold, Orange Yellow
Crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Gold, Sunstone, Imperial Topaz
Herbs & Plants: Angelica, Cinnamon, Eyebright, Juniper, Marigolds, St. Johns Wort, Sunflowers
Sunday morning
Rain is falling
Steal some covers
Share some skin
Sunday Customs
But the bairn o’ the Sabbas day,
Wise and bonny, good and gay
She shall come with many a charm
Hope and rest and holy calm,
Bringing quiet everywhere,
Like the hush that follows prayer.
Like the day that hails her birth
She shall bring God’s peace to earth.
Traditional: A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content
Romanian: Every day is not Sunday
French: He was born on a Sunday, he likes work ready done
Japanese: A man who always wears his best kimono has no Sunday clothes
Sunday Supper: The Sunday Supper Movement promotes spending more time with family and friends around the dinner table. It is about the food, the company, and the practice of slowing down. In our frantic and full lives, this tradition can be a game changer.
Mother’s Day: Occurring on the second Sunday in May, this day is set aside to honor the mother figures in our lives. Customs include encouraging mothers to rest, making her breakfast, and picking flowers for her. Father’s day (June), Sibling’s day (April), and Grandparent’s day (September) also fall on Sundays.
Superbowl Sunday: An occasion when families and friends gather together to watch the culminating game of the American Football season, Superbowl Sunday has taken on a National Holiday-like feeling. It is a day of feasting as well, as it is the second-largest food consumption event in the US, topped only by Thanksgiving.
Green Sunday: This one is an amalgamation of Christian Pentecost and an ancient Slavic fertility festival celebrated in early June. In Poland, homes are decorated with with green branches. In more traditional towns, a procession is taken to the fields, asking for a year of healthy and abundant crops. Girls bring offerings of fried eggs and pour beer on birch trees while adorning their trees with garlands.