Sagittarius: The Archer
Greek mythology depicts Sagittarius as the learned and straight-shooting centaur, Chiron. Son of the sea nymph Philyra, he was sired by the titan Cronus while in the form of a horse (he was hiding from his wife). Thus Chiron has the body of a horse and the torso of man. He lived on Mount Pelion with his wife, the nymph Chariclo. Together, they fostered many of the great heroes and gods of Greek mythology, as Chiron was a revered teacher. Unlike other centaurs, this wise immortal was patient and cool headed. Sadly, he met his demise by one of his beloved students, Hercules. During the fourth labour of Hercules, the hero opened a sacred bottle of wine to accompany his dinner. The aroma of the wine incited the wild centaurs. In an attempt to defend himself, Hercules killed several centaurs with arrows poisoned by the blood of Hydra. One such arrow pierced his teacher Chiron in the thigh. Ironically, although Chiron was a great master of the healing arts, he was unable to heal himself and instead suffered constant pain from the wound. Hercules suggested that Chiron give up his immortality in barter for the freedom of Prometheus, who was being punished for bringing fire to mankind. Chiron willingly relinquished his immortality, and his half-brother Zeus then placed him among the stars to be honored forever. Now Chiron holds an arrow pointed at the heart of Scorpio, ready to strike if the scorpion risks an attack on nearby Hercules. Both Simba and Aladdin were born under this adventuresome sun sign.
House of Sagittarius

The Ninth House is the House of Philosophy. We meet with our teacher Chiron here, in our search for meaning. To expand our horizons, we must journey into the unknown, for the quest for the Golden Fleece cannot happen at home. Travel, exposure to other cultures and ideas are necessary. The truth is often found outside of our comfort zone. So we go into the world to experience it.
Driven by curiousity, we face challenges to our ideas and our ideals. It is time to understand the structure of our philosophy. In the Ninth House, we look to lawful, spiritual or religious frameworks to enhance our knowlege of the world. We also search for our unique place in the world. Our quests is not limited to space, but also looks at time. How do we fit in the generations before us as well as after us? This house is driven by the philosophical search for meaning and truth. Meg likes the song “Vienna” by Billy Joel for this house.
The Magic of Sagittarius
Order: Ninth
Dates: November 22 – December 21
Element: Fire
Season: Winter
Quality: Mutable (Changing)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Exalted Planet: Uranus
Principle: Meaning
Governs: Hips, Thighs
Tarot: Temperance
The Personality of Sagittarius
Easily bored
Reluctant to commit
Too independant
Varied Friends
Ethnic Foods
Willful ignorance
Being stuck
Feeling trapped
The Centaur, Sagittarius, am I,
Born of Ixion’s and the cloud’s embrace;
With sounding hoofs across the earth I fly,
A steed Thessalian with a human face.
Sharp winds the arrows are with which I chase
The leaves, half dead already with affright;
I shroud myself in gloom; and to the race
Of mortals bring nor comfort nor delight.