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The Lady of the Mountains

A heap of withered boughs was piled,
Of juniper and rowan wild,
Mingled with shivers from the oak,
Rent by the lightning’s recent stroke.
Brian the Hermit by it stood,
Barefooted, in his frock and hood.
His grizzled beard and matted hair
Obscured a visage of despair;
His naked arms and legs, seamed o’er,
The scars of frantic penance bore.
That monk, of savage form and face
The impending danger of his race
Had drawn from deepest solitude
Far in Benharrow’s bosom rude.

Sir Walter Scott

This enchanting lady is sometimes called the Mountain Ash, but should not be confused with the Ash family of trees.  Rowan is an old Irish nickname from the Gaelic word for “little red one”.  She is a small to medium sized deciduous tree who prefers higher elevations, often growing in cliffs and other remote areas. She can appear a bit reserved and distant.  In truth, she is simply self-sufficient.  Her leaf buds are purple and furry, while her young twigs tend more toward reddish and furry – a possible source for her name. As she develops, her bark becomes shiny and smooth. Clearly, she is a hardy girl, tolerating poor soil and living up to 200 years. 

The Magic of Rowan


Element: Fire
Gender: Feminine
Sabbat: Imbolc
Planet: Sun, Mercury
Chakra: Unknown




Name: Luis “Flame”
Aicme (Tribe): Beith
Moriann Kenning: Eye’s Delight
Letter: L for Lust
Class: Peasant
Lunation: Second
Gods: Brigid, Lugh
Wand:  Healing, Women’s Magic

The Medicine of Rowan


Not Applicable



Use in jams, syrups, wine as IT MUST BE COOKED


Not Applicable

Science of Rowan


Botanical Name: Sorbus ssp
Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Type of Plant: Deciduous shrub
Habitat: High Elevations, Moist acidic soil, Sun
Zone: 3-6
Bloom Time: May
Height: 15-20 feet
Spread: 15-35 feet
Propagation: Seeds dispersed by birds
Harvest: After first frost (or put in the freezer)
Part Used: Berries MUST BE COOKED
Constituents: Anthocyanins, Tannins, Polyphenolics, Flavonols, Quercetin Rutin
Native Region: Northern Hemisphere
Sustainability: Good


Structure: Compound
Arrangement: Alternate, leaflets opposite
Shape: Elliptical
Length: 1-2 inches
Margins: Serrated
Surface: Pubescent on underside veins


Inflorescence: Compound dense corymbs
Sexuality: Perfect
Stamen: Multiple of 5
Color: White
Size: Small

Sacred Story

In Tolkien’s world, the Ancient race of Ents are the shepherds of the forest who planted rowan-trees in order to woo their Entwives. Even after the extinction of Entwives, an Ent named Quickbeam protected the sacred rowan-trees in his keeping. As Saruman’s Orcs brought harm upon his beloved rowans, he was the first of the Ents at the Entmoot to decide to side against the dark forces. He also provided refuge to our hobbit friends, Merry and Pippin, while the Enmroot took place.