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It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.

Charles Dickens

We get our name for this month from the Roman god, Mars.  In addition to being the god of war, he is an agricultural protector.  Mars is distinguished by his virility, in our case applied to the strength needed for change. March is a month of transformation and growth.  Late season snow storms are common where we live.  Yet it is also the month when I throw open windows and doors to welcome in the fresh spring air.  March is ripe with hope and possibility, potential and imagination.  We are ready to shed the heaviness of winter and dance in the growing sunlight.

Birth Customs of March

March Flower

Before the winter snow has cleared,
The handsome daffodil appeared
A jaunty cap upon his head
Pronouncing winter now has fled.

March Zodiac

With Pisces does cold March begin
Which calls us to our reckoning
Then the cycle starts anew
As Aries brings things into view

March Stone

By her who in fair March was born
Aquamarine shall be worn
Adorned by color pale and blue,
In all things she shall be true.

Magic of March


Herbs: Broom, Wood Betony, Irish Moss
Totems: Rabbit, Hedgehog, Lamb
Stones: Aqua Aura,  Bloodstone
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Birth Flower: Daffodil
Celtic Trees: Ash & Alder
Nature Spirits: Merpeople & Selkies




Spring Fever

3 drops Grapefruit
3 drops Geranium
2 drops Lime


Because you are alive, everything is possible.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Science of March


Name: March
Length: 31 Days
New Moon: March 6th
Full Moon: March 20th

Full Moons

Colonial American: Fish Moon
Celtic: Wind Moon
Chinese: Sleepy Moon
Algonquin: Sap Moon
Old English: Chaste Moon

Poetry for March

Dear March Come In

Dear March – Come in
How glad I am
I hoped for you before
Put down your Hat
You must have walked
How out of Breath you are
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest
Did you leave Nature well
Oh March, Come right upstairs with me
I have so much to tell
I got your Letter, and the Birds
The Maples never knew that you were coming
I declare – how Red their Faces grew
But March, forgive me
And all those Hills you left for me to Hue
There was no Purple suitable
You took it all with you

Who knocks? That April
Lock the Door
I will not be pursued
He stayed away a Year to call
When I am occupied
But trifles look so trivial
As soon as you have come

That blame is just as dear as Praise
And Praise as mere as Blame

Emily Dickinson

Written In March
The cock is crowing,
The stream is flowing,
The small birds twitter,
The lake doth glitter
The green field sleeps in the sun;
The oldest and youngest
Are at work with the strongest;
The cattle are grazing,
Their heads never raising;
There are forty feeding like one!Like an army defeated
The snow hath retreated,
And now doth fare ill
On the top of the bare hill;
The plowboy is whooping—anon-anon:
There’s joy in the mountains;
There’s life in the fountains;
Small clouds are sailing,
Blue sky prevailing;
The rain is over and gone!
William Wordsworth

March: An Ode

Ere frost-flower and snow-blossom faded and fell,
and the splendor of winter had passed out of sight,
The ways of the woodlands were fairer and stranger
than dreams that fulfill us in sleep with delight;
The breath of the mouths of the winds had hardened on tree-tops
and branches that glittered and swayed
Such wonders and glories of blossom like snow
or of frost that outlightens all flowers till it fade
That the sea was not lovelier than here was the land,
nor the night than the day, nor the day than the night,
Nor the winter sublimer with storm than the spring:
such mirth had the madness and might in thee made,
March, master of winds, bright minstrel and marshal of storms
that enkindle the season they smite..

Algernon Charles Swinburne

Spring Cleaning

March bustles in on windy feet
And sweeps my doorstep and my street.
She washes and cleans with pounding rains,
Scrubbing the earth of winter stains.
She shakes the grime from carpet green
Till naught but fresh new blades are seen.
Then, house in order, all neat as a pin,
She ushers gentle springtime in.

Susan Reiner

Calendar of March

March 2nd: National Read Across America Day

Theodor Seuss Geisel is the full name of the beloved author and illustrator Dr. Seuss. He took on this pen name while he was still in college, and went on to write over 60 books, including some of the most popular children’s books. In honor of his great work, his birthday was adopted as the National Read Across America Day. As he says, “You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” Hats off to Dr. Seuss!

March 14th: Pi Day

Pi day is March 14. Pi is a specific but infinite number starting with 3.14, a mathematical constant referencing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Large celebrations of this day began in 1988, originally organized by Larry Shaw at the San Francisco Exploratorium. Pi Day is an opportunity to recite as many of the digits of Pi that one knows and, you know, to eat pie.

March 17th: St. Patrick's Day

I will tell you a secret… I really want to be Irish. Although it is not so much a part of my genetic makeup, it is in my heart. This is the magic of St. Patrick’s Day. It is true that it began as a religious holiday, but here in the US, this wonderful day has been instrumental in transforming Irish-American identity from that of a lowly immigrant to one of great pride. Current celebrations include parades, traditional Irish music & food, wearing of green, drinking of beer, and dying fountains and rivers green. So go ahead and kiss me, I’m Irish (kinda).

March 20th: International Happiness Day

It turns out that as we become happier, we become better people. Our compassion, creativity, and community involvement are all improved by happiness. Our finances and successes are elevated. In fact, our physical and emotional health are stronger, enabling us to make the most of our good times and cope more effectively with the bad ones. Just ask Aristotle, who reminds us that “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, it is the whole aim and end of human existence.” Happy International Happiness Day.

March 22nd: National Goof Off Day

National Goof Off Day is observed on March 22. How does one celebrate? Well, to goof off is “to pass the time through the most unproductive means necessary”. So, take it easy, slack off, fiddle around, waste time, do nothing, sleep excessively, play games, hang out, or just lollygag. Leave work for tomorrow. After all, it is only Goof Off Day, not Goof Off Week. Although…