Litha: Summer Solstsice
Pronounced: LEE-ta

Litha is the season for ripeness, growth, and generosity. Midsummer is when we celebrate all that we see coming to fruition. Energy abounds, along with the clarity that comes with the bright light of the sun. Fulfillment is near at hand, we can see both how much has been accomplished and how close we are to reaping the bounty.

Summer Solstice
The summer solstice occurs when the poles of the Earth tilt most strongly toward the sun. This creates the longest day of the calendar year. As the sun is at its peak, it is seen as the middle mark of summer. Thus it is often referred to as “midsummer”. The sun at his strongest seemingly lingers in the sky, reluctant to give way to slowly diminishing daylight.

Oak King
The Oak King and his counterpart the Holly King are seen as dual aspects of the Horned God. Each of these twin brothers rules for half of the year, and during that time they have the favor of the goddess. At the summer solstice, the Oak King is at the pinnacle of his power. When the equinox arrives in the fall, he will battle with his brother the Holly King, who will best him and begin his rise to power. The two battle endlessly through the calendar marking the changing of the seasons.
The Magic of Litha
Herbs: Sunflower, Chamomile, Mugwort
Totems: Butterflies, Wren, Horse
Stones: Heliodor, Citrine, Emerald
Colors: Red, Gold, Yellow
Offerings: Honeycake, Mead
Litha Oil
4 drops lavender
3 drops rosemary
1 drop pine
Symbols of Litha
Watching the sunrise on Litha is a wonderful custom. We honor the sun and all the bounty it brings to the earth. And while we will begin to say our goodbyes to it as it moves toward shorter days, on this day we celebrate the warmth at its peak of power. Stonehenge is a particularly popular site to celebrate Litha. Hundreds of druids, pagans, and Wiccans gather to celebrate the holiday from sunrise to sunset and take advantage of the extra hours of daylight by spending the whole time outdoors.
Floral Candles
Floral candles are lit on Litha, to combine the fire of the sun and the bounty from the earth. Still it is important to remember that fire is the element of transformation. It can purify, cook, give light, consume, or burn. It is hard to wield such power. Many folks will celebrate with a bonfire, but this time of year the danger of wildfires is too high where I live. Instead, I show my respect with a smaller flame. A simple candle works to represent our respect and honor for the fire element. For the awesome power and danger of a fire requires only a small spark.
Warmed by the sun, this golden treat is a food, a medicine, and a preservative. A symbol of sweetness and prosperity, it also represents immortality. While the days will get shorter, honey can help us remember that the sweet sun will rise again to shine in our lives. Honey is also the reward for diligent work. Look to the community of bees and the magic that they make by working as a collective. It is good to remember that the effort of productivity rests upon us all doing our part.
At Litha the Fae folk come out to play. They pull pranks, enjoy music, indulge in sweets, and dance the night away. Wind chimes and faceted crystals will attract them to the yard. Just remember to give them their due, or you could feel the edge of their disdain. When Shakespeare wrote his play “Midsummer Night’s Dream”, this is what he was referencing. Welcome to the many sides of Litha.
Midsummer at Glastonbury
A sea of mist that rolls across the land
Makes islands of hills. The pearly sky
Clouds like a crystal cradled in the hand,
And songbirds greet the dawn with muted cry.
A sweet breath rises from the summer fields.
With flowers full of light-reflecting gems
Of dew the night mysteriously yields,
Crowning each weed with wonderous diadems.
The hedges garlanded with wild rose
Lead where the gnarled and secret oak trees stand,
Silent and hidden, where was once the close
Of Druid way across the magic land.
Above the Tor a gold entinctured light
Shines through the veil, affirming day has begun,
And once again in triumph over Night
Has rested here the chariot of the Sun.
With light that grows and wanes, the Great Wheel turns.
The innermost secret flame, unchanging burns.
The Middle Place
the middle place is strange
the part between them and the next
is an awakening from how you saw to
how you will see
this is where their charm wears off
where they are no longer
the god you made them out to be
when the pedestal you carved out of your
bone and teeth no longer serves them
they are unmasked and made mortal again
Last night, we were lunatics,
bare skin dripping glitter.
Our demonic dancing woke the stars.
the sun is flirting with us
‘cos the sun thinks we are fit.
Wants us to strip.
Well. Let it tease.
We’re happy to please.
Celebrate our sublime, sweaty skin.
Some stomachs are washboards.
Some bellies beachball.
All are beautiful,
dirty clean,
under this naughty sun.
Cheeky sun,
smacking our cheeks.
Doesn’t peak.
Smouldering gaze,
for we are smooth
Don’t think that you’re the only one.
This sun is flirting with us all.
It’s not that you’re not special.
You are special.
We are all special
Devilishly delicious.
Taste it.
We are all
My Burning Heart
My heart is burning with love
All can see this flame
My heart is pulsing with passion
like waves on an ocean
My friends have become strangers
and I’m surrounded by enemies
But I am free as the wind
no longer hurt by those who reproach me
I’m at home wherever I am
And in the room of lovers
I can see with closed eyes
the beauty that dances
Behind the veils
intoxicated with love
I too dance the rhythm
of this moving world
I have lost my senses
in my world of lovers