Libra: The Scales
The scales rest in the hands of Astraea, the virgin goddess of innocence and purity. She is the daughter of Astraeus (god of the dusk) and Eos (goddess of the dawn). The four winds are her brothers. Boreas (North wind), Zephyrus (West wind), Notus (South wind), and Eurus (East wind). From her family lineage, there is a strong sense of balance and symmetry.
Her tale is most often connected to her friend, Dikē (pronounced DeeKay) the goddess of justice. Zeus placed his daughter Dikē upon the Earth to help keep mankind just. Her friend Astraea accompanied her. Here, they flourished during the Golden and Silver ages. It was a time without war or disease when men were good and lived in peace. Sadly, mankind grew discontent, and Dikē became sickened by their cruelty and greed. So she abandoned the Earth for the Sky and watched the disaster unfold from above. Her friend Astraea remained into the Iron Age, but she too eventually fled the horrible humans. It is said that Astraea will someday return to Earth, bringing with her a great Utopian Age of peace and joy. This is the sun sign for dear Crush.
House of Libra

Libra is the Seventh House and is called the House of Partnership. Because it is ruled by Venus, it certainly represents marriage. But it also pertains to partnerships of all kinds. Moving away from the basic needs of the self, we seek out the complexities and joys of relationships. We can only get so far in the world caring about our own needs. This house moves us into a bigger picture. Yes, a partnership brings us love or companionship, indulging our own self interests. But in order for the partnership to be sustainable, we must practice the art of giving and loving others. In this way, we come to know more about our own journey. Where can we compromise, where can we grow?
This cooperation and investment in another person broadens our purpose, and purpose is very important in the Seventh House. The House of Libra gives us information on how we fit into the world of others. Ultimately, how we relate to others will define both our success as a human being and our contribution to humankind. This house teaches us that the quality of our relationships enhances our lives, makes them fuller, and gives our lives more meaning. It also guides us toward a larger purpose. For inspiration, listen to “All of me” by John Legend.
The Magic of Libra
Order: Seventh
Dates: September 23 – October 22
Element: Air
Season: Autumn
Quality: Cardinal (Initiation)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Exalted Planet: Mercury
Principle: Balance
Governs: Skin, Filters
Tarot: Justice
The Personality of Libra
Eager to please
Plays both sides
Won’t forget
Saying ‘no’
Some, when in rhyme they of their loves do tell,
With flames and lightnings their exordiums paint;
Some call on Heav’n, some invocate on Hell,
And Fates and Furies with their woes acquaint.
Elysium is too high a seat for me;
I will not come in Styx or Phlegethon;
The thrice-three Muses but too wanton be;
Like they that lust, I care not; I will none.
Spiteful Erinnys frights me with her looks;
My manhood dares not with foul Ate mell;
I quake to look on Hecate’s charming books;
I still fear bugbears in Apollo’s cell.
I pass not for Minerva nor Astraea;
Only I call on my divine Idea.