The Lion
This lion is from the first of Hercules’ famous twelve Labors. Hercules was tasked to kill the infamous Nemean lion, a most fearsome beast who had been terrorising the land. This lion was huge, fierce, strong and had a magical hide impervious to weaponry. Hercules, unable to conquor it with anything from his armory, wrestled it with his bare hands. Loosing a finger in the battle, he eventually choked the beast completing his first Labor. He then used one of the lion’s claws to remove its skin, and thereafter wore the lion’s pelt as a cloak of armor. The constellation Leo is in honor the bravery and strength shown by both the Nemean Lion and Heracles. Mom was born under this strong and brave sign.
House of Leo

The Fifth House is the House of Pleasure. It is rich with the bliss of good games, randosm fun, and heartfelt hobbies. Think of the playful nature of our inner child. Life is more than being aware of our self, our stuff and our home. It is more than simply being or doing. It is the joy and frivolity of goofing off. The house of Leo speaks to all children and that childlike engagement with with world. The giddyness of a new romance, the thrill of a roller coaster, and going to the Super Bowl are all ruled by the fifth house. Remember “snow days” when you were a child? There is an innocence here, overflowing with the pleasure of really being alive.
It is also the house of creativity. Creating new children, sure, but also art and culture. How we spontaneous express ourselves tells us a lot about the real inner self. It is a house of taking risks, listening to our gut and following our bliss. Poetry and literature, music and dance, theater and spectacle, art and science are more than simply fancies. They are required for life. Play gives us emotional enrichment and emotional release. It helps us grow, love, and sing with life. This house inspires us to evolve through activities that make us feel alive again. The Fifth House is fun. It doesn’t have to be showy, but it does have to bring us pleasure. Listen to “A Bad Day of Fishing”, by Billy Currington.
The Magic of Leo
Order: Fifth
Dates: July 23 – August 22
Element: Fire
Season: Summer
Quality: Fixed (Steady)
Ruling Planet: the sun
Exalted Planet: Pluto
Principle: Pleasure
Governs: Heart, Spine
Tarot: Strength
The Personality of Leo
Giving advice
Bright colors
A good party
Taking orders
Being overlooked
His nose was high, his eyes bright citrine,
His lips were round, his color sanguine,
A few freckles in his face sprinkled,
Betwixt yellow and black somedeal mixed
And as a lion, he cast about his eyes
Of five and twenty year his age I sumise
His beard was well beginning for to spring;
His voice was as a trumpet thundering.
Upon his head he wore of laurel green
A garland fresh and lusty to be seen;
Upon his hand he bare, for his delight,
An eagle tame, as any lily white.
A hundred lords had he with him there,
All armed, save their heads, in all their gear,
Full richly in all manner things.
For trust ye well, that earles, dukes, and kings
Were gather’d in this noble company,
For love, and for increase of chivalry.