The Ram
The tale of Aries the ram begins with a spat between Zeus and Hera. There once was an outcast named Ixion (pronounced: x EYE on) who betrayed the rules of hospitality by killing a guest. Zeus, however, invited him up to Olympus. Once there, Ixion fell in love with Hera, angering his generous host. Zeus created a nymph named Nephele out of clouds in Hera’s image and Ixion fell for the ruse. Their offspring was the first Centaur. Hera, now feeling badly about how the nymph Nephele was treated, asked King Athamas of Boeotia (pronounced: bee OH sha) to marry her. The couple had two children; a son named Phrixus (pronounced: FRICK sis) and a daughter named Helle. But Nephele did not hold the King’s heart, and he eventually remarried. His second wife, Ino was very jealous of his children with Nephele. To eliminate the source of her animosity, Ino tricked her husband into arranging the sacrifice of Nephele’s children. Nephele pleaded with Zeus to spare their lives. He sent a golden ram to carry Phrixus and Helle to Colchis. Sadly, Helle fell to her death over a stretch of water that flows between Europe and Asia. But Phrixus made it to Colchis, where he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave the golden fleece to King Aeetes. The king held this gift in great regard and had it placed in a grove guarded by a dragon that never slept. Zeus placed the ram in the heavens as the constellation of Aries. Phrixus married the king’s daughter and remained forever in exile. Eventually, the fleece became the centerpiece of another drama inspiring the quest by Jason and his friends, the Argonauts.
House of Aries

The First House is called the House of Self. The individual is developed here, with the self becoming more clearly defined. This house promotes the realization of one’s potential and our unique personality. Addressing the inner self as well as the building of our outter bodies, the House of the Self can shape us both literally and figuratively.
The individual body is defined and understood in this first house, as our appearance shapes our experience and is key to how we understand ourselves. “I am” statements often include physical descriptions. “I am female, I am tall, I am Asian, I am strong, or I am sick.” It addresses our physical strength, health, shape, color, gender identity, and all manner of appearance.
In addition to the body that we came in, the first house speaks to our primal character. We are not only defined by our appearance, but we also have a spark that is our unique personality. A person with the same body parameters will not experience the world in exactly the same way. We each bring our own spirit to the journey which shapes and interprets the world around us. The House of the Self asks us to understand that special personality. What is our basic energy, what are our likes or dislikes, where do our skills lie, how far do our boundaries extend, and what exactly is our potential?
This house gets us in touch with our ego, and everything we are here to start. It is the house of life itself. Listen to the song “Video” by India.Arie to get a sense of this house.
The Magic of Aries
Order: First
Dates: March 21 – April 20
Element: Fire
Season: Spring
Quality: Cardinal (Initiation)
Ruling Planet: Mars
Exalted Planet: the moon
Principle: Ego
Governs: Head
Tarot: Emperor
The Personality of Aries
The Big Picture
Being first
Deep thought
Having A Boss
That sleek and lovely thing,
The broadening light, the breath of morn and spring,
The sun, that with his stars in Aries lay,
As when Divine Love on Creation’s day
First gave these fair things motion, all at one
Made lightsome hope;